At Encore Green Environmental, we have been collecting white papers and scientific data that shows how carbon sequestration – which is just saying we remove carbon from the air – can be accomplished best through Nature’s own “technology,” photosynthesis. If you like to read scientific papers, here’s a link where you can read “Why Not Soil Carbon?” and others. If you don’t like scientific papers, stay tuned. We’ll be having resources for you as well!
Who You Calling Wastewater?
In the oilfield and manufacturing business, you often hear people talk about by-product water as “wastewater.” Really? We don’t think that’s accurate. If you ask a plumber, he’ll have a pretty clear definition of “wastewater” for you. And even THAT water is treated and eventually put back to good use.
Water that is a by-product of industry, like oil wells, is NOT wastewater. In fact, no water should be considered a waste because it’s too precious of a resource.
So, why don’t we call things what they are?
The water from the oil well that comes up with the crude oil is NOT waste. It’s not even “produced” water, because you didn’t set out to drill for water – you were aiming for oil. So, let’s call it what it is, by-product water.
Why does it matter what we call it? Because if it’s wastewater, we want to get rid of it right away. Just ask a plumber who answers a 2 a.m. service call.
But if it’s by-product water, why don’t we clean it up and use it for conservation or ag? Heck, we could even turn an arid land into a grassland, grow something useful, get rid of carbon dioxide, and make sure the aquifers aren’t being drained for things this cleaned up by-product water can do.
So, let’s call it what it can become – clean water that’s precious.
Rescuing Water – Who Thought It’d Come To This?
If you made a list of all the places in the United States that would “dispose” of water by throwing it away, you might think of rainy Seattle or the wet Southeast – places where there’s an abundance of water. You’d never think the desperate-for-water arid lands of the Western U.S. would just toss away billions of gallons of water. That’d be crazy, right?
But that’s what’s going on.
In just one year, over 70 billion gallons of industrial water was injected back into the ground – instead of being cleaned up and used to water the very thirsty surrounding land. AND THAT WAS JUST IN WYOMING! This is the practice in other arid states like New Mexico, Texas, Colorado, and many others.
So, Encore Green Environmental finds itself in the water rescue business. We’re trying to keep ourselves from continuing the wasteful and dangerous practice of injecting industrial water into the ground.
It’s wasteful because, well, it’s sticking the water in the ground instead of putting it to good use.
It’s potentially dangerous because we aren’t sure of the industrial water’s makeup that we’re putting into the ground and, industry ain’t telling. In fact, once it’s in the ground we aren’t 100% sure it stays put or starts to travel.
So, what should we do instead? We should rescue that water.
Let’s take it and evaluate it. Clean it up to match the surrounding soil. Then, apply it on the ground – telling anyone who wants to know what that water is made up of. There. Water is rescued. Green things grow. Carbon is sequestered.
Let’s get in the rescue business. Give us a call.
Carbon Sequest - what?
Carbon Sequestration is nature's way to get carbon out of our air and mitigate changes in our climate. That's what we're up to. If you want to know the science behind it, check out Encore Green Environmental’s white papers here: hashtag#carbon hashtag#climatechange hashtag#science hashtag#whitepapers
Who You For?
The Superbowl is upon us and everyone asks you – “Who you for?” At BUWA and Encore Green, we have a question for you – “Who you for?”
Are you for the land? Because, that’s who we’re for. We think that all of our decisions about what we do with our land should be based on, well, what’s best for the land .
Some of you reading this want to see drilling for oil not only continue, but thrive. And in the near future, we can’t do without oil. And if we in the U.S. get our own darn oil, we don’t have to be counting on other nations for it. We’re with you, but we’re not for yoSome of you reading this want to keep our planet healthy and you want to make sure we can get more carbon dioxide out of the air. We’re with you, but we’re not for you.
We’re for the land.
We get that most of you see the world in one of two ways. There’s actually a third way.
Let’s be for the land.
The Environmental Hero Medal is Waiting – Who Wants It?
Everybody wants to be a hero for the environment. But, lately, there’s very few people who are willing to pick up the medal and put it on.
At BUWA and Encore Green, we have the medal right here. It’s nice and shiny. It’s ready for you. All you have to do is put it on and start putting cleaned-up oilfield by-product water to work, watering our arid soil.
If you do that, Mr. or Ms. Hero, then that means dry land turns into conservation-friendly grasslands that increase the health of the soil. Heck, it keeps it from blowing away.
It ALSO means there’s GREATER oxygen in the air and LESS carbon dioxide. In fact, you’d be a hero of carbon sequestration (fancy name for photosynthesis which pulls the carbon into the vegetation).
You could help the oil companies stop putting questionable water into injection wells.
You’d help ranchers have water for their land.
You’d keep the aquifer full because it’s not being drained for ag and conservation.
You’d be a hero.
The medal is waiting. Give a call. Maybe the medal fits you!
Your Car Can Stop Climate Change
No, really, it can. And we don’t mean an electric car or a solar car or even that foot-powered thing Fred Flintstone drove. You see, at BUWA and Encore Green, we have created a method whereby oilfield by-product water is cleaned up and used to turn the surrounding arid brown dirt into a green land, filled with grassland or other vegetation.
And if you have vegetation, what do have? Anyone? Anyone?
You have photosynthesis. That’s right, you remember photosynthesis? It’s that word you missed in the spelling bee when you were a kid. But it’s also the key to carbon sequestration.
(No, we don’t get paid extra to use big words.)
Carbon sequestration is getting rid of the carbon dioxide in our air. And during a plant’s photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is pulled out of the air and stored in the plant’s root and soil.
So, one key to getting rid of carbon out of our air is to create more vegetation.
And what is it that will transform our dry, arid western states into a land filled with carbon capturing vegetation?
Hint: we said it’s the ARID states.
Okay, we’ll just tell you: We need water.
No water – no vegetation. No vegetation - no carbon cleaning.
That’s where BUWA and Encore Green come in. The missing ingredient has always been water.
Using their patent-pending Conservation By-Design method, Encore Green can supply water to that arid land to create those carbon mitigating plants.
How? The nearby oilfields are producing billions of gallons of by-product water that is currently just thrown away. Instead, that water is cleaned up and then put out onto the land to turn the brown dirt into green grassland or other types of vegetation. Vegetation is good for many things, including cleaning up our air.
So, back to the beginning. How does driving your car get rid of carbon? Well, with Conservation By-Design, just getting the gasoline for your car has a by-product --- cleaner air.
All we have to add is water. Let us show you how. And we won’t make you spell photosynthesis.
It’s the Vegetation, Stupid
We have spent billions of dollars to try to mitigate climate change. We’ve spent time in labs developing products, we’ve given away government incentives to use products we think will help, and we’ve spent quite a lot on marketing the message. But we haven’t yet tried the one thing that will work.
Nature has its own way of getting rid of carbon in the air and it doesn’t come with a billion-dollar price tag. We can swap carbon for oxygen by plants and trees doing what plants and trees do. They take in carbon and use it themselves and then release oxygen into the air.
Plants and trees are a carbon dioxide vacuum cleaner.
But in the arid Western states, this simple process won’t work because we don’t have water to make those plants and trees grow.
Or do we?
We actually have billions of gallons of water in each state, each year, ready to get Mother Nature’s carbon mitigating “machine” turning.
That water is the by-product water coming from industry, primarily oil wells. It gets cleaned up through thermal, reverse-osmosis, or other technology, and then, that water can then go on the ground to water vegetation. Plants grow. Carbon is mitigated. And we turn the desert into an oasis.
But it will require a change – and change is often hard. But we can help. Give us a call or drop us a line. Let’s figure this out together.
It’s Not That Easy Being Green
Kermit the Frog was right. It’s not that easy being green. He meant that when you’re a frog, you kind of blend into things. Today, ‘green’ means a lot of things and everybody has defined it a little bit to fit their own tastes.
Encore GREEEN, the conservation and agriculture company, has found it’s not easy being green also. We get Kermit.
Everybody thinks they know what you mean when we say that Encore Green and BUWA are ‘green.’
Some people think that means we want fossil fuels to be a thing of the past by next Tuesday. Or we want our nation to be dependent on other countries for oil – countries that don’t have a really great record of being that stable or friendly to us.
But it doesn’t. We stand on the side of the land, not the side of lobbyists for the environmentalists or lobbyists for the oil companies. We want to keep drilling alive, but we want it to also be responsible and – with Conservation By-Design – provide billions of gallons of by-product water to the arid West.
We want the soil to not blow away with the winds. We want grassland producing more oxygen into the air to sequester the carbon. We want vegetation of all types to grow, benefiting us all.
But, because we are on the side of the land, people don’t understand that there is new position to hold.
It’s not easy being green. But join with us. We’ll make it easy.
Whose Side Are You On?
Today it’s all about sides, right? Are you on THEIR side or OUR side? Whether it’s politics or what-to-get-outraged-about-today or it’s simply a football game at the local high school, we all want to know whose side you’re on.
These days people are asking whose side BUWA and Encore Green are on.
This is easy.
We’re not on your side, environmentalists, at least not completely.
We’re not on your side, oil companies, at least not completely.
We’re all so busy drawing battle lines and handing out t-shirts for our team, that we have not realized there’s another side to be on.
We’re on the land’s side.
We’re on the side of Mother Nature who has lots of dirt in these arid states that is parched and thirsty. Soil is made to grow things. The only difference between the brown landscape and a bright green landscape is water. Water grows things and fulfills what dirt is all about.
We’re on the side of growing things to stop soil erosion, grow vegetation, mitigate the carbon in our air, thought carbon sequestration. We’re on the side of the land and from the very beginning we defined ourselves as being a good steward
So, come on over to the land’s side. It’s not our side. It was here before us and it will be here when we’re gone. We just want to leave it in better shape than we found it.
The Land’s Side. Join us.